Shima Dot Dev Blog

Developer Experience

Most likely, we are all familiar with the concept of UX or “User Experience,” or at least have heard its name. However, the term DX may be less common and less discussed. Developer Experience, or “Development Experience,” is used when our product is an API, and its end-users are developers.

What is DX?

DX is about the feelings of developers when interacting with an API. Since developers are generally considered smart, this aspect may not receive much attention unless a company (with an API product) feels threatened by its competitors (with a similar product).

The concept of Developer Experience can help prevent developers from wasting time interacting with various internal services (or APIs), especially within a service-oriented architecture company.

Why does Development Experience matter?

As I said before, if using your API is hard or confusing, people might stop using your product. Even worse, they might switch to a competitor. Developers have limited time, and it’s not ideal if they have to spend too much of it figuring out your API.

AThe person who made the API understands its technical details, database structure, business logic, defaults, and code complexities, but a developer intending to use your product is not aware of these details. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide clear instructions to boost confidence in the API’s performance and ensure a clear understanding of how it works and the results it gives.

To have a better DX, what actions should be taken?

Now that we understand the importance of this experience, we need to know what actions can raise this criterion and keep customers happier.

  1. Simplify the API understanding process: View documentation as a crucial component of your product. Developers invest significant time reading product documentation to utilize your API effectively. Developing and keeping these documents, ensuring logical organization, offering step-by-step guidance, and providing clear examples greatly ease the API usage process, meeting user needs. Moreover, introducing an API Console can be beneficial, enabling users to test API functionality in real-time and speeding up the learning process.

  2. Ease API usage: Simplify the “non-coding” aspects of using your product. Streamline the registration process, avoid unnecessary steps like contacting sales for services, and minimize anything that complicates and slows down a developer’s workflow. Offer SDKs in various languages to encourage users to engage with your product more enthusiastically. If managing the SDKs consumes excessive human resources, consider turning them into open-source projects hosted on GitHub. This approach allows your customers to contribute to SDK development and bug fixing, fostering accelerated growth.

  3. Simplify API troubleshooting: Debugging can be exhausting, especially when dealing with an app using an API. The remedy for this challenge is an API Dashboard. This platform serves as the go-to place for developers to view request and callback logs, simplifying the debugging process for them.

  4. Simplify developer support processes: Ideally, a dedicated support team should handle customer queries. However, as API developers often find themselves addressing user questions, actively monitoring issues on GitHub and providing responses on platforms like Stack Overflow can enhance the overall developer experience.

I hope the above points, which I tried to summarize, are helpful to you. Your feedback can contribute to improving and enhancing the content quality ;)