Shima Dot Dev Blog

Developer Lifestyle

Usually, until everything is in order and going well, we do not realize the importance of having a proper and healthy lifestyle. However, it is enough for a gradual increase in weight, joint problems, etc., to occur for us to remember that we need to make changes in our daily routine. In this article, I have specifically written about my experiences in life and work.

1. Exercise

Even if you don’t have a weight problem, incorporating regular exercise (for example, three days a week) not only helps maintain a desirable weight but also reduces stress associated with work. Moreover, it helps reduce symptoms of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), which often occurs in sedentary jobs related to computers, such as tingling sensations, numbness, and pain in the hands, neck, and shoulders.

If you think you don’t have time to go to the gym, you can use dumbbells at home and follow workout videos on YouTube to maintain body fitness. I personally find the XHit channel helpful because its trainers are engaging, and the workouts are not monotonous.

Additionally, incorporating simple aerobic exercises such as walking or cycling into your daily activities is beneficial.

2. Sleep

It’s important to go beyond the stereotype that “developers work at night.” If you are in your teens or twenties and still not sleeping well at night, be aware that you are establishing a harmful habit in your life. Nighttime sleep enhances concentration, strengthens long-term memory, and prevents the negative effects of daily stress. Getting 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night enhances body and brain function for the next day, providing ample energy.

Remember that the idea of “I’ll stay up tonight but compensate by sleeping for 12 hours tomorrow” does not effectively counteract the negative effects of insufficient sleep.

3. Caffeine

Do you belong to the coffee or tea type? Personally, I consume a significant amount of tea throughout the day.

While caffeine has many benefits, excessive use disrupts the metabolic system, increases heart rate, and induces stress, besides contributing to sleep deprivation. Substitute the need for energy with exercise and physical activity.

4. Diet

My plan in this regard? I’ve divided my meals from three to five small meals: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and a light dinner. Instead of heavy portions of rice and bread, I reduced them and increased the intake of fruits and vegetables. Of course, I don’t always follow this plan rigorously, but I try my best! This way, I’m neither too full nor too hungry, maintaining focus.

5. Ergonomics in the workplace

While we may not have much control over this aspect, we should try to make adjustments where possible, considering our workplace and its equipment. Avoid slouching during work, support your lower back, and consider common practices we all know but might not have taken seriously before.

Taking short breaks by standing up from the desk and walking or closing your eyes for a few minutes can alleviate the pressure on your eyes, back, and legs. Simple stretches recommended for hands and wrists can be done regularly.

6. Disconnect

My final suggestion is to give yourself some relaxation time; engage in recreational activities with friends and consider a side hobby for yourself. I chose digital art, creating a separate Instagram page for my works.

You don’t need to excel in this hobby; just dedicating some hours at the end of the week or day to something you enjoy (besides coding) helps preserve energy for better work the next day. It allows you to distance yourself from daily stress and give your brain some rest.