Shima Dot Dev Blog

Exploring Go: Movicall CLI App

Movicall started as a learning project to get hands-on experience with Go. It is a CLI app designed for searching movies and TV shows by their name.

Exploring Go: Movicall CLI App

Iran Regions Laravel Package

IranRegions is a Laravel package offering comprehensive Iranian province and city data, including geolocation coordinates and calling codes. Ideal for Laravel developers, it simplifies the management of location-based information within applications.

Iran Regions Laravel Package

SSH connection to GitLab with more than one user account.

When switching from a personal to a company GitLab account, facing an SSH key conflict can occur. This article guides you in creating a new key for smooth connections to both accounts.

SSH connection to GitLab with more than one user account.

Docker Guide for Beginners: Dockerfile, Image and Container

This article serves as a hands-on guide to Docker, covering Dockerfile creation, Docker Compose configuration, and setting up PHP, Nginx, and MySQL containers.

Docker Guide for Beginners: Dockerfile, Image and Container

Docker Guide for Beginners: Keywords in Docker

This article offers a beginner-friendly guide to Docker, covering core concepts such as the Docker Engine, Dockerfile, images, and containers. It explains the roles of volumes and the Union File System in Docker's architecture.

Docker Guide for Beginners: Keywords in Docker

Docker Guide for Beginners: What is Docker?

In recent years, we have frequently heard the name “Docker.” The following article is a simple and easy guide to familiarize beginners with Docker and its basic concepts, along with exercises. Join us on this journey.

Docker Guide for Beginners: What is Docker?

How I Became a Superstar with a Telegram Bot!

This article is about my journey of creating a Telegram bot to leave a positive mark in a new workplace, aiming to make a lasting impression while simplifying the lives of my colleagues.

How I Became a Superstar with a Telegram Bot!

Developer Lifestyle

Right and Wrong Habits of developers. The article provides practical insights into maintaining a balanced and healthy routine.

Developer Lifestyle

Developer Experience

The importance of Developer Experience (DX) in API development, emphasizing simplicity in understanding, usability, and support. It recommends steps like comprehensive documentation for an enhanced developer experience.

Developer Experience