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SSH connection to GitLab with more than one user account.

Imagine you have a personal user account on GitLab with the email [email protected], and now you’ve been hired by a company. You need to connect to GitLab with the email account they provided for you ([email protected]). If you’ve previously added your system’s public key for your personal account and SSH connection, you may encounter an error when trying to add the same key for the company’s GitLab account. This error informs you that the key has already been added because GitLab doesn’t allow using a common SSH public key across two different user accounts. Therefore, you need a new key. In this article, I will guide you on how to create a new key and easily connect via SSH to each of these accounts. Stay with me.

Steps for configuring an SSH key for connecting to GitLab

Let’s assume your previous key (used for personal GitLab) has already been generated and exists with the name in the ssh directory of your system.


Now, simply create a new key for your company’s GitLab account using the following command in the terminal (more details):

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "[email protected]"

Press Enter, and you will be prompted with the following question in the terminal:

Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/yourname/.ssh/id_rsa):

Enter the complete address and filename here. For example, if you want the key to be generated in a file named ‘company_rsa,’ you need to enter the full address and press Enter.


Finally, two files named company_rsa and will be generated. Just add the content of to GitLab. Read more details in GitLab

Configuration File Setup

To connect through two different SSH keys for two separate accounts, simply create a file named ‘config’ in the same directory and include the following commands in it:

# Private GitLab instance
  Preferredauthentications publickey
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Company GitLab instance
  Preferredauthentications publickey
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/company_rsa

As seen in the above code, in the Host sections, simply define a name for each GitLab user account to use its corresponding address for the remote URL and connection with GitLab.

Go to GitLab and the respective repository location. Copy the address in the Clone with SSH section, apply the relevant changes, and ultimately clone. For example, if the remote address is as follows:

[email protected]:company/repo.git

With regard to the host defined in the configuration file, modify it as follows:

[email protected]:company/repo.git

Reconfiguring Git for each repository

Pay attention to your Git configuration. If you have globally set something previously, make sure to redefine it for each repository to avoid committing with a different email or name in the wrong repository/account.

To do this, go to the respective repository and execute the following two commands according to the user account:

git config "[email protected]"
git config "Your Name"

This ensures that the configuration is specific to each repository, preventing unintentional commits with incorrect credentials."